In my own words I will say life is a game and I call it, The ultimate game. Yes! I know you want to ask why and its simple. We humans strive to live and in that we win and lose, following the laws of every game you and I  have ever played. And the goal at the end is to be happy. Looking at it this way there is no reason why gaming companies should lack behind in the market. And it is evident they are making it big in the market looking at how gaming has grown over the years.

The future of gaming is therefore is almost 95.5% sure to be a leading section in the market and in the tech world. Some boosters to the gaming market are

The Covid-19 pandemic. Covid hit the world hard in 2020 and the result of it pushed many governments to implement a lockdown. This as bad as it seemed was a booster to the gaming market as adults, teenagers and children were subjected to rely on the internet completely and indulging in gaming activities was quite common. Irrespective of the addiction, many individual started raising income from gaming and this moved from being just an addiction but also a character. This for sure is a long-term addiction the world has indulged in.

The gaming technology is very vast as it covers talents, hobbies of a wide range of individuals. For example, persons interested in action have a great shot at gaming as well as older persons interested in say spelling or puzzles. The vast variety of gaming options has brought gaming to everyone’s doorstep and the world is definably taking it to the next level.

Digital Money (cryptocurrencies). I must say this is my favorite and a big thumb up to all developers working and evolving digital money. The involvement of this aspect has generally improved the gaming world drastically, as games can be played and money can be earned from it, I mean… what more would a gamer want?

We also have some factors that are hitting the gaming world hard and rapidly increasing its growth.

Virtual Reality.

 This is a simulated experience that can be like or completely different from real world. This is a concept that has brought multiple gamers onboard and has tantalized gamers with the prospect of a fully immersive experience. Though I must say the growth has been slowed down compared to the expected speed but the future of VR is very much assured.

Augmented Reality.


This is an interactive experience of a real-world environment where the objects that reside in the real world are enhanced by computer-generated perceptual information, sometimes across sensory modalities, including visual, auditory, haptic, somatosensory and olfactory. A game like Pokémon Go using this technology is very fun to play with. Now imagine taking these characters from the world we see and creating characters we can play with is a level where there is no turning back nor stopping for gamming and personally I love it.

Artificial Intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence best know as AI, in gaming refers to the responsive and adaptive video game experiences. These AI-powered interactive experiences are usually generated through non-player characteristics, or NPCs, that act intelligently or creatively, as if controlled by a human game-player. AI is the engine that determines an NPC’s behavior in the game. Now With these kind of features added to the game, I mean the complexity is at its peak of which that is where the fun begins so even guys who are not into games as such but love the challenge would indulge just to feel the terrain of  a good game. Games played from devices such as the PS5 is an experience that has a vast growing possibility in the industry.


There would be just so much to cite about how bright the future of gaming is but the fact remains that it was, it and would stay amongst us as the earth revolves.

Upcoming companies that promote gaming such as Cxmmunity is an eye catching company I must recommend their services.


Tantoh Telmah K.



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