Who is a feminist?

Of course, to many it sounds like a warrior woman fighting a man for being a man. Now what do I mean by “a man”, in the bible Corinthians 10, 7 says “a man has no need to cover his head, because he reflects the image and glory of God. But woman reflects the glory of man.” This word of wisdom gives strength to a man than women and to say a woman wishes to fight this birth rights given to men is crazy. As a true feminist, we stand to rather continue and improve the respect for women in society than to fight the place of a man for God created us not for nothing but for a purpose and we all know the world would not be perfect to God without the woman in it.

And again, we do not say that since we are women we should not fulfil the purpose to which we were brought to the earth for we know the great things a woman can be. And this is where our strength comes in to say we must struggle to be our best in the place God made for us and not fight against the word of God.



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